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SciEye meets Jules Verne at ISM’s ATV display

April 4, 2008

SPNN News, Spaceport Alpha, the SciLands, Second Life

ISS ATV approach at ISM 1s

Automated Transfer Vehicle, ISS, & Shuttle

The soft “ping!” of an incoming ISM group notice distracted me momentarily from the discussion at this Thursday’s SciLands Senate meeting.  Afterwards, I eventally got some time to go to Spaceport Alpha’s Low Earth Observation platform and celebrate the arrival of the real ATV – the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Automated Transfer Vehicle – named “Jules Verne,” by looking at modeller Gamel Goodfellow’s version approaching ISM’s ISS [International Space Station].


High above the world (well, 200 meters is high!), I got different views of the robot cargo ship.  Another timely display from -altogether now, “ISM’s not NASA!” – the International Spaceflight Museum.
